I get it. Sometimes it can be scary to invest in yourself. We feel guilty, or ashamed, or we want to wait until “we are ready” (a.k.a. until having more money, feel better, have more time, and so on…).

The truth is, If you haven’t achieved your goal it by now, chances are you will benefit from a guided help.

I have invested thousands in leadership coaching, money mindset, life coaching, and online business mentoring… all while I was afraid, confused, overwhelmed, broke and full of self-doubts. Each time, It’s the best decision I have made in my life.

I could probably get here eventually, but it would take me much more time, unnecessary pain and money to do so.

This program is designed for social leaders like yourself.



Wendy M
(Communication and fundraiser strategist)

One session with Virginia was enough to realize that much of what I thought was “other people’s problem,” was really my problem, something that I created in my head. Virginia didn’t even tell me this! She asked me increasingly deeper, intertwined and unexpected questions until I become aware of my thoughts. I am impressed by how much I achieved with her in just one session. Thank you!

Amy B.
(Co-Director, nonprofit organization)

 I loved the active and personalized interlocution, as well as relevant at the moment. On several occasions, I had resistance to try something or to dedicate time to an exercise, but whenever we had a session, or I started doing the task, it was super relevant and essential. All the sessions were very motivating. Virginia’s capacity as a coach to listen, identify, feedback and motivate is phenomenal..

Eyra R.
(Human Resources & Organizational Behavior Senior Adviser)

Powerful insights are the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Virginia. Our sessions helped me gain a more profound grasp of my strengths and the internal force that moves me to achieve my goals and purpose in life. Working with a Coach is a real asset for professional and personal progress, and Virginia comes with my heartfelt recommendation.



What are you waiting for?
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s have a chat today!


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